The Fundraising Team
(aka Crawley Down Village School Parents' Association)
"Fundraising for smiles"
Who are we?
The Fundraising Team was created in 2008 by a small group of parents who saw a need for raising extra funds to give every child in the school additional experiences and treats that the government grants cannot stretch to.
Since there are no teachers on the team and we are just a team of parents volunteering to raise funds, we are not a Parent/Teacher Association (PTA) but instead call ourselves "The Fundraising Team"!
The Team has gone from strength to strength and in June 2015 became a Registered Charity under registration number 1161820.
So, what do we do?
We are a group of parents who volunteer to organise and run the Summer and Christmas Fairs, the Mother's Day Shop and Christmas "Secret Santa" Shop, the Secondhand Uniform Shop, Quiz Nights, School Raffles, Refreshments/Games at Sports Day, Cinema Night and also organise the Circus, Fashion Shows, School Discos and anything else that we can think of to raise funds!
FRT Non-uniform Days : The children have several non-uniform days a year including one or two held specifically by The Fundraising Team in the run up to a large event when we ask the children to pay a "fine" of chocolate, bottles or sweets which are then used as prizes.
Despite the number of hours of voluntary time and the hard work put in by the Fundraising Team and many of their spouses/partners, the actual funds raised could not be made without YOUR support for which we are continually grateful whether it be bottles/sweets/chocolates for tombolas, cakes for cake stalls, uniform for the shop, envelopes for the money tree game or just your presence at fairs etc.
How can you get involved?
You can help by:
- becoming part of the Team helping to plan & organise our fundraising events
- joining our list of "helpers" who would rather not be on the Team and attend meetings, but are happy to help out at events
- running a stall at the Summer/Christmas Fairs etc
- donating chocolate, bottles and/or sweets on our non-uniform days
- baking cakes to sell at fundraising events
- offering your time with new initiatives like "Friday ice cream afternoons" in the summer term
- making new fundraising suggestions
- coming along to our events to support them and raise funds for ALL our children's extra curricular experiences
In addition…
The Secondhand Uniform Shop is a stock of secondhand uniform which has been donated by parents for resale. All proceeds go to The Fundraising Team. It is run by one of the Team so if you wish to purchase anything, please contact the School Office who will put you in touch with the relevant team member. If you have finished with any school uniform, please donate it in clean, sellable condition for onward sale.
Crawley Down Village C of E School is registered as a cause with and and has so far raised OVER £1,000 just from parents shopping online. This is a FREE service where you can shop with your favourite online stores whilst raising funds for the School. You still shop online directly with each retailer as you would normally but, by using the links through this site first, each purchase you make generates a cash back donation to the School.
If you are a Facebook user, why not join the "Forum for Crawley Down Parents" page? It was set up to share and report information from parents to parents regarding general school matters and it also includes updates from The Fundraising Team.
The Team is an approachable, friendly group and is always open to suggestions. You are most welcome you to get involved
as much or as little as you wish.